This article provides a solution for limiting viewing access to specific assets in a particular communal folder to different groups. With the usual "hide" functionality, you would need to tag each asset with every metadata code and then remove the metadata code on assets you want to filter out. If you would like to limit the access to specific assets in a communal folder, you will need to create a Xinet Filter/Business rule.
To filter the specific assets based on the specific group, you will need to
- Create a new filter (business rule) by going to the nativeadmin GUI and navigate to DATABASE > Filters > add filter tab as shown in the image below (click the image to enlarge):
- Select the "Not these Groups" option.
For example, if we have two clients with the metadata "Coke" and "Pepsi" that have access to one communal folder.
This first filter will hide all assets in which the client metadata field is exactly Coke for every user that is not in the Firstgroup group.
This second filter will hide all assets in which the client metadata field is exactly Pepsi for every user that is not in the secondgroup group.
In this way, you can have a dedicated group for users that need to have access to "Coke" assets and another group for "Pepsi" users and only the users of the respective groups will be able to see their corresponding assets.
And for a common asset that is not Pepsi or Coke and you want all to see it, just don't configure any filter that includes the common metadata for that asset.
Notice that you can get this to work also by folders, in case you want to organize the Coke assets and the Pepsi assets on their specific folders. The only thing that will change is that instead of matching the Metadata you select Folder.
Priyanka Bhotika